Building A Bridge

BUILDING A BRIDGE follows Father James Martin on his journey to make the Catholic Church more accepting of the LGBTQ+ community, despite loud opposition from within and outside the Church.

Directors: Evan Mascagani & Shannon Post
Year: 2021
Duration: 95 Minutes
Category: Documentary Feature
Language: English

BUILDING A BRIDGE follows Father James Martin on his journey to make the Catholic Church more accepting of the LGBTQ+ community, despite loud opposition from within and outside the Church.

Horrified by Catholic leaders’ silence in the wake of the Pulse nightclub massacre, Father Martin writes a widely-acclaimed book and tours the country speaking with the news media, local parishes and LGBTQ+ Catholics with his message of “compassion, respect, and sensitivity.”

The film follows Father Martin and the lives he has impacted, including a grieving Pulse mother, a family with three queer siblings, and a college student trying to reconcile his gay and Catholic identities.

Meanwhile, Father Martin faces vicious attacks from his most vocal opponent, Michael Voris and his “alt-right media empire,” Church Militant. Voris is a repentant Catholic with a “sinful” past who organizes protests and social media campaigns against Father Martin.
Despite the online attacks and his own personal struggles, Father Martin reaches hundreds of thousands of people with his message across the country and world.


Film Festival 2023 Venue - SRFTI